Summary: | Wound healing is required in dentistry�s clinical procedure such as gingivectomy to restore anatomy structure and physiology function of tissue to normal state. Inflamation phase in the healing process characterized by the infiltration of a number of PMN leukocytes cell to wound site. However, some product of PMN leukocytes cell rise in excessive amount in wound site can induce tissue damage, it is necessary an antiinflammatory agent to inhibit the poor response in tissue that can delay wound healing. This research aims to know the effect of mangosteen peel extract gel application (Garcinia mangostana L.) on polymorphonuclear leukocyte cell (PMN) count on the gingival wound healing process (studies on Rattus norvegicus).
Thirty six male Rattus norvegicus rats were divided into three groups, each of the 12 rats in positive control groups (aloclair gel), treatment group (40% mangosteen peel extract gel), and negative control group (CMC-Na 2%). Before injury, all rats were injected with 0,01 ml ketamine intramuscularly in the upper thigh. All rats in three groups were given injury at the lower centralis incisor labial gingival using a 2,5 mm diameter of punch biopsy. Providing topical application in each group performed for 5 days with a frequency of twice a day, after that the rats were decapitated to take the injured tissue and histopathologic done making preparations. PMN leukocytes cell around the wound area was calculated under a light microscope 400 times magnification in 3 fields of view. Mean number of PMN leukocytes cell were analyzed by two way ANOVA and then post hoc LSD test.
The result with two-way ANOVA test shown significant difference (p<0,05) for PMN leukocytes cell count in three groups in all variables, between treatment, and time. The conclusion was application of mangosteen peel (Garcinia mangostana L.) extract gel effect on decreasing a number of PMN leukocytes cell in the gingival wound healing process (studies on Rattus norvegicus).