Summary: | This report describes about restoration audiovisual archives in ANRI. The
purpose of this report to understand the procedures and protocols for the treatment of
audiovisual archives include the rewashing film, rewashing negative photo,
rewounding sound recordings, and recleaning video. Moreover, the obstacles
encountered during the treatment of audiovisual archives. The goal of treatment
archives to reduce the damage that occurs in the physical archives of physical
archives and the contents of the information can be accessed and maintained properly
and can be used in the long term. Restoration activities not only repair damaged
archives, but also protects against archive damages arising like mushrooms, the
scratches on the film emulsion, dust, and other physical damage that can archive so it
can not be read by the reading device.
Methods of data collection is done in three stages. First, the observation is by
direct observation in the field to get the data as a final project report preparation. The
second method is competent informant interviews to obtain information about the
process of restoration audiovisual records. The last method of data collection is
literature, this method is done to strengthen the argument and obtain supporting data
relevant to the topic.
The conclusion of this report is restoration activities carried out at Arsip
Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) has done well in accordance with established
procedures. Constraints in the implementation of restoration treatments are not too
difficult to overcome, with a tool that supports to repair damaged archives. The main
obstacle in the implementation of the restoration is the lack of human resources to
handle the archive to be restored.