Summary: | The objective of this graduating paper is to know the production process of abon nila
and its SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat). It situates Pak Anto
shop in Wuryantoro, Wonogiri as the object of study. This research focus on production
process which Pak Anto has applied and factors that influenced him in choosing nila as the
main ingredient. Method of collecting data was done by observation, interview, library
research, and internet research. Besides, to analyze the data, this research conducts SWOT
analysis method. Pak Anto prefers to choose nila (Oreochromis niloticus) as the main
ingredient because it is the better alternative than patin (Pangasius pangasius) and easily find
in the area like Waduk Gajah Mungkur. Based on the observation, production process of
abon nila is divided into seven steps