Summary: | Background: Currently, views on obesity is more directed to the location of the
accumulation of fat in the body, especially in the abdominal area. The era of
globalization and urbanization led to a shift from traditional food healthy, highfiber,
low in fat, low in calories, made up of vegetables and fruits, to the caloriedense
foods high in saturated fat and contain. In addition to diet, lifestyle
changes such as physical inactivity, also contribute significantly to the incidence
of overweight and obesity, which are risk factors for degenerative diseases.
Objective: To identify the relationship between the intake of vegetables, fruit,
and physical activity with incident of abdominal obesity in adolescents.
Method: This research was a retrospective observational case-control design in
high school Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta. Data collection was conducted in September-
November 2012 with the number of respondents, 90 people (45 cases and 45
controls) aged 15-18 years and met the inclusion criteria. The statistical test used
is the Chi - Square with a confidence level of 95%.
Results: Respondents with less vegetables intake category is 36 people (80% of
cases) and 33 people (73.3% of control), OR=1.455 (p> 0.05), less intake of fruits
category are 32 people (71.1% of cases) and 28 people (62.2% of control),
OR=1.495 (p> 0.05) while the category of less vegetables and fruits intake is 43
people (75.6% of cases) and 25 people (55.6% of control ), OR=2.473 (p> 0,05).
Respondents with light physical activity categories are 9 people (20.0% of cases)
and 4 people (8.9% of control), moderate physical activity is 31 people (68.9% of
cases) and 29 people (64.4% of control) and vigorous physical activity is 5 people
(11.1% of cases) and 12 people (26.7% of control). Light activity vs. moderatevigorous
activity OR=2.562 (p> 0.05), while vigorous activity vs. light-moderate
activity OR=0.344 (p> 0,05).
Conclusion: There was no significant association between intake of vegetables,
fruits, and physical activity with incident of abdominal obesity in adolescents.