Summary: | Background: improvement of medical service and increase of community
knowledge cause the increase of the number of elderly. Elderly are susceptible to
disease, especially infection disease. There are many ways to keep healthy living
for elderly. Consume food that can increase immunity status and keep ideal
nutritional status can help for living well. The foods that can increase immunity
status are known as immunonutrient. Source of immunonutrient can be vitamin A,
vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and zinc.
Objective: the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of
immunonutrient and nutritional status to infection disease in elderly in Depok,
Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Method: this is an observational study with cross sectional method. Respondent
are elderly above 60 years old who lived in Depok area. Nutritional status of
elderly was measured by Body Mass Index (BMI) and Middle Upper Arm
Circumference (MUAC). Consumption of immunonutrient was measured by Semi
Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (SQFFQ). Beside investigate the
effect of immunonutrient and nutritional status to infection in elderly, this study
also investigates the difference of lymphocyte percentage of elderly with and
without infection disease.
Result: study done in seven elderly community medical services, on October
until December 2012. The numbers of respondent were 117 elderly.
Consumption of immunonutrient like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium
and zinc did not affect infection disease in elderly. Nutritionall status by BMI and
LLA also did not affect infection in elderly. This study did not find the difference of
lymphocyte percentage of elderly with and without infection disease.
Conclusion: immunonutrition and nutritional status did not affect infection
disease in elderly in Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta.