Summary: | Tarsius sp. is one of Indonesian endemic primate species which are
�vulnerable� as reported by the International Union for Conservation Nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN). In-situ and ex-situ conservation of this spesies would
yield better results when it�s genetic information and diversity determined. The
main object of this is to analyse genetic diversity study on ND6 encoding gene in
T. bancanus from Borneo and Sumatera.
The result of DNA isolation is used as a printing for the process of PCR
amplification. The results of PCR process is sequenced using the primers ND6F
and ND6R with temperature conditions predenaturation 94
C for 5 minutes,
denaturation temperature is 94
C for 30 second, primer annealing temperature is
C for 45 second, elongation temperature 72
C for 1 minutes, ended with
addition of (extention) 72
C for 5 minutes. The result of ND6 gene sequences is
obtained 513 base nucleotide sequence after multiple aligned with other primates
which are taken from Genbank. Results of analysis with program MEGA version
5.05 is obtained that are 4 different nucleotides and 1 different amino acid
between T. bancanus from Borneo and Sumatera.
The genetic distance based on nucleotides sequences of ND6 gene were
analysed using the Kimura 2-parameter between T. bancanus from Kalimantan
and T. bancanus from Sumatera was 0,4%. Filogram using neighbour joining
method based on nucleotide and amino acid sequence of ND6 gene can
distinguish T. bancanus from Sumatera and T. bancanus from Borneo with T.
bancanus (Genbank) and T. syrichta (Genbank).