Summary: | The successful sustainability national park management depends on local
community�s activity in maintaining the natural resources. This study was conducted
to determine the community interaction that occur in the surrounding area, local
wisdom, the Tengger�s role in utilizing resource in national parks area, and future
expectations of national park management.
This research used phenomenology method. Participative observation, indepth
interviews, and document study were used in data collection. The sample
method which was used to this research is snowball sampling. Data were analyzed
with interactive model by Miles and Huberman (2006). Data analysis process consists
of reduction, data display, and conclusion.
Based on direct observations, the Tengger�s activities such as firewood
exploitation for fuel, grass cutting for animal feed, water consumption for washing
and eradication of pets of agricultural corps, the use of vegetation for ceremonial
purposes, as well as hunting and fishing as a hobby. Local knowledge in managing
natural resources by Tengger tribe could not evidently found at Ranupani village due
to the disappearance of native as an impact of the foreign practice influence. The
community�s roles in national park management include the forest protection,
ecosystem restoration, and also the use of environmental services and natural tourism.
In future, the community would be expected to be better in community involvement
of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park management.