Summary: | Coccidiosis was a protozoan infection caused by Eimeria sp..Coccidiosis
in calves affect impair growth, weight gain and inhibit detrimental to farmers. The
research aimed to determine the incidence of coccidiosis in calves of dairy cattle
at Sabrang Wetan Farm Group Wukirsari Cangkringan Sleman.
A total of 18 faecal samples from dairy calves Sabrang Wetan Farm Group
Wukirsari Cangkringan Sleman used in this study. Examinations were conducted
at the Laboratory of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Gadjah Mada
University using Floation Method.
The results showed that 14 samples were positive of coccidia. The
incidence rate of coccidiosis in calves at Sabrang Wetan Farm Group Wukirsari
Cangkringan Sleman was 78%. Factors affecting the incidence of coccidiosis in
calves at Sabrang Wetan Farm Group Wukirsari Cangkringan Sleman was poor
maintenance management. Improvement of maintenance management,
management includes cage, feed, and animal health were needs to be reduce the
incidence of coccidiosis.