Summary: | Background : Obesity is starting to become a worldwide health problem, even
WHO has stated that obesity is a global epidemic. The prevalence of obesity
increased from year to year, both in the developed and developing countries.
Prevalence of obesity in Yogyakarta among toddlers was 13.6%. Besides food
consumption, an important factor that can causes obesity is physical activity.
Physical activity from childhood to the elderly will affect lifelong health. Obesity in
childhood will increases the risk of obesity in adulthood. Less physical activity
causes a lot of energy stored as fat, so people who are doing less activity can
become fat. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the association
between physical activity and obesity in preschool children.
Objective : To examine the association between physical activity and obesity in
children aged 2-5 years.
Method : This is an observational study with cross-sectional method. Sampling
was using cluster sampling. Subjects are children and parents who participated in
the SPS (Paud Similar Unit) in Yogyakarta. Data was analyzed by using chisquare
test and independent sample t-test.
Result : Total number of obese children are 38 children and total number of
normal children are 264 children. P value 0,06 (p>0,05) for the association
between sex difference and obesity. P value 0,13 (p>0,05) for the association
between age and obesity. There are no difference in physical activity among
obese children and normal children, with p 0,57 (p>0,05) for MET-s minute/day.
Conclusion : There are no difference between obese preschool children and
normal preschool children.