Summary: | Background : High fat diet can increase the number of bacterial pathogens (E.
coli) in human gut. The growth of pathogenic bacteria can be suppressed by
lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that usually used in yoghurt product. On the other hand,
purple sweet potato has potential as a prebiotic because containing
oligosaccharide that suitable for the LAB growth media. Therefore, research
about the process of making purple sweet potato yoghurt from powder and paste
was conducted to identify the type of processing that optimal for LAB growth and
to know the potential of purple sweet potato yoghurt to suppress pathogenic
bacteria (E. coli) in digesta of Sprague Dawley rats which given high fat diets.
Objective : This study aimed at determining the effect of purple sweet potato on
total number of LAB and E. coli in Sprague Dawley rat`s digesta which given
high fat diets.
Method : There are two types of research in this study : true experimental and
quasi-experimental. In true experimental studies, counting of the number of LAB
in yoghurt powder and pasta was performed by using TPC method. Quasiexperimental
studies were conducted to test the total LAB and E. coli in digesta
of Sprague Dawley rats which given high fat diet by employing TPC methods on
MRS and TBX agar media.
Result : Total LAB of yoghurt from purple sweet potato paste was 9.107 CFU/g,
while for yoghurt from purple sweet potato powder it was 8.338 CFU/g. Total LAB
digesta showed that there was no significant difference between groups
(p=0,561). But there is an increase of 0,145 CFU/g in group which given 4 ml
yoghurt. Total E. coli in digesta of rats which given 2 ml yoghurt showed
decrease of 1,653 CFU/g although not statistically significant (p = 0.099).
Conclusion : There is difference in total LAB between yoghurt from purple sweet
potato paste and yoghurt from purple sweet potato powder. There is no effect of
purple sweet potato yoghurt on total BAL digesta. There is effect of purple sweet
potato yogurt on total E. coli digesta.