Summary: | This study was motivated by the control process that still manual, especially
in the counter process on an industrial. For example is counter process rolls in the
fabric industry in Tyfountek Indonesia, Gumpang street Kartasura that the control
system still manually using relay. An industry should be using a compact control
system, easy to use, easy to modify, automatic and have special ability such as
PLC (Programmable LogicController).
As we know that most industries have implemented the control system using
PLC as a main control system in production. So I build a miniature counting
system using PLC as main control. In my final project, I use box to chance the
roll. The box that moved on the conveyor, detected by photosensor. The system
will count the box. When it reach the amount that has been determined, conveyor
will stop and operator have chance to substitute with another container. Operator
also have chance to chose the amount of box that it want, three, five, or seven
During the experiments conducted, all box success conted. The system is able
to count all box automatically. All of the counting process are controlled by PLC.
With the success of this automation will certainly facilitate human performance.