Summary: | Background : Health is very important for the life so is happened health
development in almost al over the world. One indicator of the success of health
development, the increasing life expectancy elderly. In Yogyakarta Special
Region has the biggest life expectancy in Indonesia and therefore many nursing
homes in the area, one of them at the Budi Luhur Nursing Home, Bantul. In the
home, there are several programs that cater to elderly, such as gymnastics fit
elderly, making crafts, community service, the daily picket by elderly, and others
with a view to improve the health of the elderly, one of whom prevention of
psychological disorders such as depression. Results obtained some preliminary
studies on the elderly in Budi Luhur, bantul Nursing Home at risk for
psychological disorders, such as depression wtih appropriate signs and symptoms
of depression described in literature review.
Aim : to determine the relationship between physical activity levels with
depression in elderly in Budi Luhur Nursing Home, Bantul.
Methode : respondents were elderly nursing home of Budi Luhur, Bantul are 41
people, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instruments used the
Mini mental State Examination (MMSE), Physical Activities for Elderly (PASE),
and geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Analysis technique using Gamma and
somer�s with correlation strength (r) from 0-1,000.
Result : The result showed a correlation value -0,707 and significance value (p)
0,000. This suggest there is a correlation between levels and depression with the
negative correlation strength, meaning that higher physical activity so lower level
of depression level in elderly, and conversely.
Conclusion : There is correlation between physical activity with depressin level
in elderly in Budi Luhur Nusing Home, Bantul.