Summary: | Kedu chicken, domestic poultry, and cemani is necessary germplasm
preserved Indonesia. Information about the genetic diversity of the chicken is still
limited and research is still needed to be. One attempt to assess the diversity of the
chicken genetic information, the research can be done by the method of
Polymerase Chain Reaction-Random Amplified Polymorphic Deoxyribonucleic
Acid (PCR-RAPD) using primers 3 (5� GTA GAC CCG T 3�) and 5 (5' AAC
GCG CAA C 3'). The purpose of this study was to examine the potential genetic
diversity of kedu chicken, domestic poultry, and cemani as seen from the
specific DNA fragments by the method of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Random
Amplified Polymorphic Deoxyribonucleic Acid (PCR-RAPD), and to assess
whether there is kinship between the kedu chicken and cemani obtained from
Temanggung, and domestic poultry obtained from Purworejo, Central Java.
The results showed the existence of genetic diversity within populations
and among populations, but can not be used as genetic markers. The closest
genetic distance in this study are red kedu to white kedu. Farthest genetic distance
is between domestic poultry to cemani and cemani to red kedu.