Résumé: | Number of property loss and casualties caused by landslides have inspired
writer to create a prototype of landslide early warning system. It is expected to
increase the awareness of people who live in landslide prone area that come
unexpectedly, hence all the loses, especially losses of life can be minimized.
This system consist of two parts, those are transmitter and receiver.
Transmitter is placed in location that degree of slope will be monitored and
functioned as the reader of the soil movement. Accelerometer (MX2125) measure
the angle for monitoring soil movement. Transmitter will give warning sound
based on soil movement. The sensitivity of this early warning system can be
adjusted accordance with the requirements by entering range (minimum and
maximum range) transmitter slope. Alarm will sound when land surface move that
cause the position of early warning system change up beyond the range. Then,
transmitter slope data is sent wirelessly to the receiver via Zigbee protocol. From
the receiver, the data is sent to PC through serial port and then is displayed in
form of table and graph so that the monitoring of soil movement can be done at
any time. Delphi 7 is used as the interface software to monitor soil movement.