Summary: | The purpose of this research was to know larva fish species and structure of fish
community which found in Opak estuary Bantul Regency. There were 5 sampling
stations selected based on the environmental characters. Fish samples were collected by
larva net with mesh size 1 mm. The larva net area was 650 cm
pushed to the nursery
ground around 45 minutes in each station. Sampling was conducted every 2 weeks from
September to November 2012. The samples were preserved in formalin 5 % then
transfered to the laboratory for identification and measurement. The identification of the
fish larva was carried out by using 2 methods that was morfometric and meristic. The
analysis of data namely dominance, diversity, density, and evenness of fish larva. The
result showed that there were 4 orders, 8 family, and 8 spesies of fish larva, that was
Albula sp., Ambassis vachellii, Channa striata, Liza subviridis, Oreochromis niloticus,
Scatophagus argus, Stolephorus indicus, dan Terapon jarbua. Ambassis vachellii was
found the most dominance in the Opak estuary. The dominance index found between
0.34 and 0.74, the diversity index ranged 0.50-1.23, the density ranged 0.30-0.09
, the evenness ranged 0.36-0.69, and the salinity ranged 0-10
/00. The Opak of
estuari has becomed the potential as nursery ground because of the availability of
mangrove as habitat for larva fish.