Summary: | Background One of many effort to suppress infant mortality rate is exclusive
breastfeeding. Many studies showed that knowledge and attitude influence
mother�s exlusive breastfeeding practice. Sleman has the highest exclusive
breastfeeding rate in Yogyakarta Province but it�s still far from national and
Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) target.
Object This study aimedat determining the relation between pregnant mother�s
knowledge and attitude regarding exclusive breastfeeding with their exclusive
breastfeeding practice.
MethodThe design of this study was a prospective cohort. The number of
subjects are 32 respondents that divided intogood knowledge - less knowledge
mother and supportive attitude � unsupportive attitude motherswho followed for
six months. Questionaires are used to collect the data from respondents. The
relationship between knowledge, attitude, exclusive breastfeeding and other
factors were analyzed by Chi-Square test and Fisher�s Exact test.
Result There are six respondents who exclusively breastfeed their baby, five
mothers are from good knowledge group and 1 mother is from supportive attitude
group. The result showed no significant relationship between knowledge and
exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.172), but there was a significant relationship
between attitude and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.019).
Conclusion There was no significant statistical relation between knowledge and
exclusive breastfeeding, whereas there was significant statistical relation
between attitude and exclusive breastfeeding.