Summary: | While doing internship in PT. PANATA JAYA MANDIRI, the writer was
positioned in Production section II, at line seaming assy. line seaming assy, is an
assembly process of filter components into a whole filter. Through the internship
process, the writer observed and noted the cycle time on the line seaming assy.
The writer saw that there was a lack of effectiveness and efficiency, which was the
positioning of the filter, that was already seamed, into the conveyor machine. In
the production process, the storage filter process after the seaming, often
experience problems from inaccuracy of the positioning of filter in the conveyor.
After the writer further analyze the storage process of the filter in the
conveyor, the writer concluded that the cause of the ineffectiveness is the height of
seamer machine table was not in line with the height of the conveyor. So the
writer gave an advice to the staff engineering to improve the line seaming assy by
adding the height of the foot of the conveyor. After receiving approval from the
staf engineering, the writer immediately designed the increase height of the
conveyor machine.
Because of the improvement in the conveyors� prop, the time of the filter
storing process has become more effective and efficient. It saves time up to 0,46
seconds and the production on the line seaming assy increases to 20%.