Summary: | Animal health record system is important for Balai Besar Pelatihan
Peternakan Batu. The data management is manually (operated Ms.Word) that are
complicate to the officers . Animal Health Information System Development In Balai
Besar Pelatihan Peternakan Batu, is expected to provide useful report to the Balai
Besar Pelatihan Peternakan Batu.
Animal health information system development in Balai Besar Pelatihan
Peternakan Batu was built using based on web. Performed using CodeIgniter
framework with MVC concept. Using HTML and PHP programming language, the
database used MySQL. The advance of this system is a graph showing monthly
reports and annual animal health.
Animal Health Information System Development in Balai Besar Pelatihan
Peternakan Batu can be used for data management in the form of animal data,
mapping data reproduction, reproduction of data handling, disease history data,
mortality data, the data vise, drugs data and user data systems. The system can
generate reports that include some animal populations, mapping report reproduction,
reproductive management reports, reports of birth, medical history reports, death
reports, autopsy reports, and reports of the drugs.