Summary: | Sugar is one of main products in Indonesia. Sugar factory in Indonesia is considered
as low risk factory because of non-hazardous raw material and its operational condition. The
maximum operational condition occurs at atmospheric pressure and 105 oC of temperature.
Sugar is produced by crystallizing the sucrose in cane juice obtained from sugar cane. Cane
juice is reacted with Ca(OH)2 and SO2 so that its impurities can be clarified. This process is
known as sulphitation process. The reaction occurs inside bubble reactor with 70oC of
temperature and atmospheric pressure.
This factory produces main product which is sugar with 99,9% of purity and
172.147,15 ton sugar per year. This factory also produces side products which are molasses
6.081,87 ton per year, mud 324.000 ton per year, and bagasse 7.584,72 ton per year. It is
operated continually for 150 days in crop year period and 24 hours a day. The amount of
materials used are 1.800.000 ton per year of sugar cane, 140 ton per year of CaO, and
574,85 ton per year of sulphur. It yields 9,6% sugar. Sucrose crystallization occurs inside
vacuum pan with ABCD system. For the utility, this factory uses 256.111,16 ton per year
river water and consumes 1350 kW electricity.
This factory is planned to be built in Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatera at 2015
with 3,24 ha land. It will be run by 248 labours. Based on economic evaluation calculation
this factory needs US$ 97.837.489,09 + Rp fixed capital, US$ 1.891.116,20
+ Rp working capital, US$ 15.396.605,47 + Rp /year
manufacturing cost, and US$ 12.429.318,54+ Rp 444.000.000.000 /year general expenses. If
this factory runs in 100% capacity, it will deliver Rp profit after 50% tax.
Based on the factory propereness analysis, this factory will obtain 2,98% of ROI, POT 7,71
years, BEP 40,1 % of production capacity, SDP 25,58% of production capacity, and 21% of
DCFRR. It shows that sugar factory runs using sulphitation process with 1.800.000 tons cane
per year of capacity is interesting to be reviewed further.