Summary: | Gall symptoms at coppice sengon stem that is caused by Uromycladium
tepperianum fungus is important disturbance that until now it has not been found
the appropriate control methods. Commonly, tar is used to cover the wound by
root fungus infection on the plantation and it has poisonous character for fungus.
So that, the same effect on tar treatment to cover the wound (scraping) at the stem
that showed gall rust symptom was expected. The objective of the research were
to know the effectiveness of tar to control gall rust for 1 month and 6 month after
application, and to evaluate and analyze the presence of gall rust mycelia on
sengon stem after 6 month without tar.
The research consists of 25 coppice sengon stem with gall rust symptom. 20 stems
were scraped and smeared by tar every 2 weeks for 1 month, whereas 5 stem were
just scraped. The observation were conducted every once a week with
characteristics such as the intensity and size of galls that appeared for 1 month and
6 month later without treatment. To evaluate gall rust mycelia presence used
dyeing methods using Lactophenol cotton blue solution with concentration
approximately 10 ml/l for 24 hour. The wood which would be dyed on
Lactophenol cotton blue were cut about 10 cm from the top, middle, and bottom
with the thickness about 1 cm. The blue color incidence on the disk were
measured using dotgrid.
Tar was 100% effective in order to control appeared gall for 1 month. After 6
month without tar treatment, the galls intencity were 32,13% (the effectiveness
were decreased about 74,37% became 25,63%). The mycelia intensity in the stem
with tar treatment that did not reappear gall after 6 month without smeared again
at the top of screaped were (8,42%-26,05%) was significantly lower, at the middle
(5,98%-21,86%) and the bottom were (10,02%-32,43%) same as control. The
stem that reappeared the gall had mycelia intensity at the top (4,48%-18,79%) was
lower, at the middle (16,69%-28,91%) was higher, and the bottom (8,08%-
22,43%) was same as control.