Summary: | Productivity is a key factor to the success of a construction project according to the
schedule that has been planed. Productivity needs to be maintained with respect to
the factors that affect the productivity, the availability of productivity data will
greatly assist the contractor in planning improvement project is one step to improve
labor productivity.
This study aimed to determine the level of productivity of red masonry worker then
be compared with existing results to produce valid data to determine the level of
productivity of workers on the project Graha Permata Kota Selagalas.
The research method used in this research is descriptive analysis method is the study
by collecting primary data and secondary data are also looking for a reference book
browsing and information from those who have experienced through discussion.
Data obtained by researching and taking video sampling 15 workers who do the work
of masonry, ranging from sand sifting, stirring mortar, hauling mortar, hauling
bricks, to put up a brick. The tools used include: the form of interviews and
observations, digital camera, computer, stopwatch, and stationery.
The results obtained by the level of productivity based on time study is 0.564
m2/manhour, while according to the entire stock price is 0,747 m2/manhour,
according Soedrajat 1994 1,144 m2/manhour and in SNI 2001 was 0,299
From nalisys it can be seen that the average acquisition artisan brick (method time
study) go beyond the target (for stock price). The average productivity in 1994 is
shown by Soedrajat high, because the 1994 does not take into account the elements
Soedrajat sift sand and hauling material to builders. The average productivity of SNI
2001 showed very little value, because a lot of the more specific factors are taken
into account.