Gaia: | Fatmawati Soekarno Airport in Bengkulu province is one of the airports
that are under the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Transport of
the Republic of Indonesia, Bengkulu provincial government planned to do the
development to provide optimal care in the future so as to manifest an airport of
international standard and as an airport evacuation. Passengers and aircraft
movements in the future could trigger a decline in the performance of airport
operations, to address runway analysis, taxiways, and aprons, with aircraft that
have no plan B 737-400 and B 737-900 ER.
The research is based on some supporting data used to analyze the data
obtained from secondary data and the results of the literature study methods such
as ICAO, FAA and some formulations of JICA which is then used to determine
the runway length, runway width, length taxiway, taxiway width, capacity apron,
apron dimensions, passenger movement and aircraft next 20 years along with a
thick layer of pavement is planned so that the aircraft in accordance with the
requirements of the plan.
The analysis shows that the existing runway length of 2,250 m is still fit
for use to serve the needs of the B 737-400 and B 737-900 ER with a service life
of 20 years. Runway width corresponding ICAO and FAA required by 45 m and
the existing condition of equal magnitude 45 m. Taxiway width in accordance
with the standards of ICAO and FAA flight plan at 15 m and 23 m, while
eksistingnya 23 m and 26 m, Dimension apron for aircraft plans of 423 mx 115 m
while eksistingnya 375 mx 80 m. Condition of existing foundation is still fit for
use by up to 20 years with the largest B 737-900 ER aircraft, so that the airports
do not need the addition of a thick layer of pavement (overlay).