Summary: | This research is aim to discover and describe the form of legal protection against the parties based on Supreme Court verdict of The Republic of Indonesia No. 192 PK/Pdt/2006 dated 23 March 2007 within the case of land tenure unlawfully. In addition, to discover and describe the form of Legal Certainty, Benefit and Justice of the Supreme Court Verdict of The republic of Indonesia No. 192 PK/Pdt/2006 dated 23 March 2007 for the Parties.
This research used the juridical normative approach. The data being used in this research are primary legal data, secondary legal data, and tertiary legal data. Those data was collected through library research using technique of document study, later the obtained data will be analyzed qualitatively using descriptive method.
The research result shows that by the verdict issued by the Supreme Court of The republic of Indonesia Number 192 PK/Pdt/2006 Dated 23 March 2007 and the verdicts which previously both in level of cassation and appeal, the statute provides rights and facility to conduct a legal remedy as form of legal protection to the parties. This legal remedy is a usual legal remedy that is resistance (verzet), appeal and cassation, and special or extraordinary legal remedy that is judicial review (derden verzet). That by the Supreme Court verdict of The republic of Indonesia Number 192 PK/Pdt/2006 dated 23 March 2007, the parties may discover with certainty based on the applicable law who deserve and authorized on the land dispute. For the sake of justice based on God the Almighty, the parties had also given the equal opportunities for the court proceedings by given legal remedys. The expediency can be seen from the effect emerged from the verdict is expected could cause deterrent effect and warning for the parties who against the law and society widely not to act against the law.