Summary: | Soil erodibility is the sensitivity / resistance of the soil easily eroded least.
The soil properties that influence erodibility of soil texture, structure, organic
matter content, soil thickness, the nature of the soil, and soil fertility. Soil
erodibility factor is not only determined by the nature of the soil, but is also
determined by other factors, namely erosion erosivity, topography (slope),
vegetation and human activity. Human activities can affect soil erodibility
through soil treatment on a particular land use. Soil treatment on a land use such
as land clearing by slash and burn system can affect the infiltration rate of the
soil that causes the soil more susceptible to erosion.
The purpose of this study to determine the potential distribution of soil
erodibility class-based unit slope in the study area, determine the appropriate
system to restore conservation lands that are under threat.
The method used in this research is the field survey method to determine
the physical condition of the study area and to determine the points of
measurement and soil sampling points based on class unit slope. The data
collected are primary data and secondary data. Primary data includes the
structure, texture, permeability, content of organic matter