Summary: | The Analysis of propagation of magnetic domain wall in a free layer
CoFeB thin film have been investigated. The analysis has been done by using
micromagnetic simulation software Object Oriented Micromagnetic Framework
(OOMMF) based on Landau-Lifshitz Gilbert (LLG). The main purpose of this
study is to observe of hysteresis loop, coercivity field, energy ferromagnetic (total
energy, exchange energy, demagnetization energy) and Swithing Field
Distribution (SFD) analysis with various dimention (size) and thickness of free
layer CoFeB thin films.
This study have been done with variation size of 120�100 nm2, 140�100
nm2 and 160�100 nm 2. Variation of thickness is 1, 2 and 4 nm. Simulation have
been done by applying external magnetic field of 300 Oe in the x direction with
150 steps. The result of size variation simulation for 120�100 nm2, 140�100 nm2
and 160�100 nm 2 with maximum external field 300 Oe have a magnetization of
0.983, 0.985 and 0.988, respectively. At the thickness variation, CoFeB with 1 nm
have fast magnetization than others. Magnetization value for variation thickness
of 1, 2 and 4 nm at maximum external field of 300 Oe are 0.999, 0.983 and 0.932,
Several investigations such as energy ferromagnetic system (total energy,
exchange energy, demagnetization energy) and switching field distribution (SFD)
have been also investigated. Switching field value for variation size of 120�100
nm2, 140�100 nm2 and 160�100 nm 2 are 798 Oe, 920 Oe and 652 Oe,
respectively. Switching field value for variation thickness of 1,2 and 4 nm are 192
Oe, 798 Oe and 1182 Oe, respectively.