Gaia: | An Air Data Attitude and Heading Reference System for Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle has been made. The system provide the data of attitude and condition of
the aircraft. This system provide the roll, pitch, yaw, GPS coordinates, GPS speed,
GPS altitude, date, time, temperature, air pressire, and barometric altitude data.
The system use Arduino Due based on ARM AT91SAM3X8E microcontrollers as
its main processor, with 3,3V operating voltage and 84 MHz clock speed.
The system use GY-86 IMU sensor based on MPU6050 gyroaccelerometer,
and HMC5883L magnetometer, MS5611 sensor for altitude
measurement, airspeed sensor MPXV5004DP, and a GPS receiver SKM53 based
on MTk3329 chip. Data readings will be sent to a communication module or to
other system through serial communication with 115200bps baudrate.
From the research conducted has made it known the average errors and
standard deviation for each sensor and module used in the ADAHRS system. For
IMU data readings, the data has average errors and standard deviation respectively
0,07o and 0,25o for roll, 0,24o and 0,04o for pitch, and 0,64o and 0,18o for yaw.
Barometric altitude sensor has an average errors of 0,63 meters, airspeed sensor
has an average errors of 13,85 kmph and a standard deviation of 2,31 kmph. GPS
SKM53 has an average errors for the coordinate readings of 2,31 meters, and the
average errors for the altitude readings of 12,58 meters. The system start up time
is 1,1 s and has an output rate of 55,56 Hz.