Summary: | Lactic acid bacteria widely found in Indonesian tradisional food. Salted egg
is one of traditional foods using spontaneous fermentation techniques, with salt as
fermentation media. Spontaneous fermentation will create the diversity of
microorganism and which actively play a role will grow optimum. Aim of this
study is to isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria from salted egg, with 3
parts used, i.e egg white, shell and dough (red brick powder, rub ash, and salt).
The isolates will be selected through the inhibitory ability against pathogenic
bacteria, namely Eschericia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
The main materials used for this study were salted egg (egg white, shell, and
dough), MRS media for isolation and purification, MHA for antibacterial activity
test, and Yeast-Pepton for acid production testing. The analysis were testing and
observation of cells and colonies morphology, antibacterial activity test using
agar-well diffusion method, physiology test for effect of temperature salt
concentration and pH on bacteria�s ability to grew in the media, and characteristic
test to determine the genus and species of lactic acid bacteria isolated.
The results are 43 isolated were obtained, with 14 isolates had the best
antibacterial abilities. One isolate with code C54 produced bacteriocin and 13
isolates inhibited by organic acid produced. Five isolates on the part of dough, 4
isolates on eggwhite, and 5 isolates on shell. All isolates were gram-positive,
catalase negative, non-motile, and homofermentative. The species obtained were 5
isolates for Lactobacillus plantarum, 6 isolates for Lactobacillus casei subsp.
rhamnosus and Enterococcus gallinarum, and 2 isolates for Pediococcus