Summary: | Community forests as forests are generally also serve as a carbon sink,
thus playing a very important role in the global carbon cycle. This study was
conducted to (a) determine the types of woody trees ranging from � 10 cm dbh
and herbal plant species in the forest empon-empon people Kulon Progo, (b)
determine the content of the biomass, carbon, and the ability of woody trees and
herbal plants empon-empon to absorb CO2 in the community forest Kulon Progo.
The method used to determine the woody trees biomass in this study using
allometric methods that have been made by previous researchers (non-destructive
method), and destructive method to determine biomass empon-empon herbs.
This study was conducted in community forests Kulon Progo Regency by
taking six villages with land 60 respondents as sampling sites. The six villages
namely: Keceme and Pengos A (District Samigaluh), Gedong and Ponces (District
Girimulyo), Sedan and Jurug (District Lendah). Data collection activities
conducted by identifying species of woody trees and herbal plants empon-empon
types. Measurement � 10 cm dbh and total height for woody tree species with
100% sampling intensity while herbal plant samples by making plots (PU) 2x2 m2
total of 18 PU. All parts of the herb are then separated between the top to the
bottom and then weighed the total wet weight and wet weight of each sample
section, and oven to determine biomass.
These results indicate that the total biomass 45,06 ton/ha which consists of
a type of teak 16,30 ton/ha, mahogany 13,75 ton/ha, sengon 3,57 ton/ha, rosewood
1,40 ton/ha, acacia 2,60 ton/ha, and other types 7.44 ton/ha. If one assumes the
ability of biomass is 50% carbon by weight, the total carbon stock in the forest
people of Kulon Progo regency at 22,53 ton/ha which consists of a type of teak
8,15 ton/ha, mahogany 6,88 ton/ha, sengon 1,79 ton/ha, rosewood 0,70 ton/ha,
acacia 1,30 ton/ha, and other types of 3,72 ton/ha. Furthermore the total biomass
of herbs for 24,05 ton/ha which consists of 13 types empon-empon. Largest
biomass represented by the type of galangal 4 ton/ha. If we assume 40% herbal
plant biomass is carbon, the total carbon stock for herbal plants is 9,62 ton/ha.
CO2 absorption capacity by 70% and 30% woody tree herbs