Summary: | Most of the Progo upstream watershed has been used as agricultural land
and settlements, only 0.43% are an area of land cover (forest). Looking at the
situation, it is necessary to assess the state of the watershed by analyzing
parameters of the basic indicators (output stream).
Parameters used to assess watershed conditions including hydrological
characteristics (Q max, Q min, and KRS), water yield, sedimentation. In analyzing
this parameters needed Mock�s model method. Mock Model simulation results
show that the parameters of the hydrological characteristics and water yield is still
in good condition, while the sedimentation in mid condition. To improve the
health condition of the river flow, especially the sedimentation�s condition, the
conservation efforts made in the form of construction of sediment control
buildings through Mock methods and Sabo�s technique. The amount of sediment
that must be controlled is 564.559 m3 of the actual situation is 1.398.559 m3/year.
Simulation results of scenario shows, plotting SCB in rivers of order 1 and
order 2, the Mock model method shows significant value that is smaller than the
Sabo Engineering. It shows that SCB would be more effective if built based on
building dimensions. Based Sabo�s technique, to achieve the permit of sediment�s
limit, SCB can be built by some rational choice, there are : first SCB build on
order 1 river�s as many as 465 SCB or 300 SCB in order 1 river�s and 60 SCB on
order 2 river�s.