Summary: | Background: Estradiol-estrogen receptor (ER) signaling plays an important role in breast cancer carcinogenesis by increasing cell proliferation and decreasing apoptosis. Therefore, ER status in breast cancer patients is not only indicate tumor dependency on estrogen but also provide prognostic and predictive value in which ER positive tumor will have benefit from anti-estrogen therapy. Comparing estradiol levels and ER status based on menopausal status could give information on biological characteristics of breast cancer.
Objective: The aim of this study is to compare between estradiol levels and ER expression based on menopausal status of breast cancer patient.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, total estradiol levels in breast cancer patient were measured using ECLIA while ER status data were collected from IHC result performed in Department of Anatomical Pathology of Sardjito Hospital. Estradiol levels were further compared to ER status based on menopausal status.
Results: Fifty breast cancer patients participated in this study and were grouped based on their menopausal status. In premenopausal subjects, estradiol levels varied between 9,68 to 233,30 pg/dL, while in postmenopausal subjects between 5,00 to 176,80 pg/dL(p<0,0010. In premenopausal group, ER was positive in 51,85% patients and negative in 48,15% patients. In postmenopausal group, ER was positive in 60,87% patients and negative in 39,17% patients. Among premenopausal women, mean of estradiol levels in ER positive subjects was 96,30±72,72 pg/dL while in ER negative was 48,49±30,01 pg/dL (p=0,058). Mean of estradiol in postmenopausal subjects with ER positive was 12,24±6,27 pg/dL while ER negative was 37,38±57,08 pg/dL (p=0,430).
Conclusion: In premenopausal women, higher estradiol level is found in ER positive breast cancer patients while in postmenopausal women estradiol level is higher in ER negative. There was neither significant difference of estradiol levels in ER positive nor negative in premenopausal (p=0,058) nor postmenopausal patients (p=0,430).