Summary: | Ponorogo which is the one of Regency in East Java with area 1371.78 has a
flood disaster problem in almost every year. The previous study related this problem
are composing detail design and flood area management concept in Ponorogo. In this
study, flood area management concept only considered flood hazard map. Therefore,
it needs to be done the risk analysis which considers hazard and vulnerability aspect.
Flood risk map is the one of many parameters that can be used by government or
decision maker to make a flood disaster policy.
This study aims to make a flood risk map in Ponorogo with focus of study in
area of Keyang, Slahung, and Sungkur River confluence. The steps of analysis are
Hydrology analysis, Hydraulic analysis, flood risk analysis, and mapping. The flood
area mapping use the computing river overflow which is computed by hydraulic
analysis. Vulnerability and risk was analyzed by using scoring method where the
parameters weight was analyzed by using Analitical Hierarchy Process method. Data
Analysis performed by some software, such as Microsoft Office, HEC-RAS, and
The result of hydraulic modeling for 5 year return period flow shows that in
the rivers which is modeled, the overflow was occurred. The area between Slahung
and Sungkur Rivers received the highest overflow (5.31 million m3). Flood area
mapping by using volume of overflow method resulted in smaller flooding area than
that of the previous study. The area impacted was 897 Ha, smaller than before (3397
Ha). According to the flood risk map, Sragi, Pengkol, Morosari, Gandukepuh, and
Baju village are the five villages with the highest risk area.