Summary: | The title of this study Human Philosophy According to Thomas Hobbes
and Its Relevance to the development concept of Human Rights in Indonesia.
Indonesian nation is in the midst of globalization are completely open perceived
vulnerability still contain conflict, should be keeping the state of nature that have
been submitted to the government. Governments in carrying out their duties can
not be separated from the role of the community. The relationship between
government and society regulated by law made by mutual agreement which has a
strong holding capacity in regulating human behavior, in order to create
reconciliation together who had aspired to the Indonesian nation. To keep the
reconciliation together, the Indonesian people have a natural formulation of the
concept of rights in the context of human rights. The purpose of this study is to
explore the meaning state of nature in thinking Thomas Hobbes and suggests its
relevance with the development of Human Rights in Indonesia.
This research is a kind of library research. Material object in this study is
the concept of natural rights in the work of Thomas Hobbes Leviathan. This study
uses a formal object approach to human philosophy. Method in this researcher is a
hermeneutics method, including the interpretation and Verstehen. Research also
use heuristics method, used to analyze state of nature in Thomas Hobbes thought
that can be found relevance to the development of Human Rights in Indonesia.
The results in this study were human being, according to Hobbes can
guarantee reconciliation together if willing to make a social contract to abolish
absolute natural right given to one ruler or government. Attitude of the
government is using power and other means that it deems appropriate, for the sake
of reconciliation together. Feature of the social contract that contains three
meanings: First, an agreement among the individuals to end the state of nature
and form of civil society. Second, the social contract is done by individuals who
are naturally isolated and anti-social. Third, the unity of the people who shaped by
the social contract is more a consequence of sovereignty rather than the source of
sovereignty. Starting from here, Thomas Hobbes that ideas of natural rights for
the development of human rights in Indonesia, seen on a security order and peace
among the people by the people in general and the government and the people in
particular. It is the purpose of the \"social contract\" that aspired of nations.
According to the principles of social contract that any rights of the people with his
own will leaded and forth for the government's obligations. Likewise, the
constitutional authority owned by the government also leaded and forth with the
constitutional obligations that must be complied with and fulfilled by the people.