Summary: | This study aims to: (1) Knowing the overview and the performance of
Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center in Magelang. (2) Determine the factors that
influence the development of Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center in Magelang. (3)
Knowing the empowerment strategy of Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center in
support of family economic resilience.
This study is useful for: (1) this research becomes an input to enrich the
world of national security science literature, especially with regard to cooperatives
and the improvement of family economic resilience (theoretical benefits). (2) For
the members of Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center, to know the prospects of the
development of cooperatives in order to improve the welfare of them. (3) For
Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center, to build empowerment strategy of Kartika
Tidar Cooperative Center in support of family economic resilience. (4) For the
researcher, it benefits her insights about the related topic (practical benefit). The
research was conducted at Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center in Magelang and the
surrounding area (Banyurojo Village, District Mertoyudan). The research is a
combination of quantitative research to calculate the average monthly per capita
household expenditure and descriptive qualitative research that discuss the factors
that influence the development of the cooperative and the empowerment strategy
of Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center in support of family economic resilience. The
results showed Kartika Tidar Cooperative Center before the cooperative
empowerment strategy has a fair performance but not maximal because there are
still obstacles faced by cooperative management in promoting and developing the
cooperative effort. In order to improve the business and the services to the
members, it needs Empowerment Strategy in Puskop Kartika Tidar Cooperative.
That empowerment strategy is by maximizing internal factors and external factors
of the cooperative. After the cooperative�s empowerment strategies implemented
to the maximum, it is expected that the development of the cooperative will
increase. Such improvements will ultimately affect the SHU received and support
Family Economic Resilience.