Summary: | Religiosity and empathy may encourage someone to act positively toward
different person, inspite of he come from another group. However, in many
cases, a religious person not automatically has a positive attitude toward another
believer from the other religions. On the other side, the empathic one sometimes
doesn�t have a high level of religiosity, even not have a sense of group belonging.
This is a theoretical study examining how the role of religiosity and empathy
toward non-moslem, in the outgroup favoritism toward non-Islam. Three scale :
religiosity, ethnocultural empathy, and group favoritism given to 106 participants
of moslem from four various groups. The result showed that empathy toward nonmoslem has a more significant role to increase outgroup favoritism toward non-
Islam. Religousity has a smaller role, which to control outgroup favoritism level
avoiding an extreme domain. This study has a number of weakness in its
construct validity, so that expected to the next similar study to do a factor
analysing before doing the examine.