Summary: | Abdul Kadir Wakka (09/291383/SKT/0071). Community and National Park: The Public Interest Accomodation in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park Management\" Supervised by Prof. Dr.. Ir. San Afri Awang, M.Sc. as a promoter and Dr. Ir. Ris Hadi Purwanto, M.Agr.Sc and Dr. Erny Poedjirahajoe, MP. as co-promoter.
Changes the function of forest area to Babul National Park (Babul NP) impact on community activities in meeting their needs. This study aims to get data and to provide explanation about (1) socio-economic problems of the people around Babul NP, (2) policy dialetics related to management of Babul NP to accommodate the interests of society, and (3) to formulate policy scenarios related to management stategies of public interests accommodation to Babul NP.
The approach used to answer this research question is qualitative approach to the case study method. The data was collected through a series of activities such as field observations, people and key infomants interviews around the Babul NP, as well as through documentation/archieve study. The collected data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis, content analysis, stakeholder analysis, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and prospective analysis in accordance with the research objectives to be achieved
The results showed that the socio-economic problems of the people around the area of TN Babul are: the limited arable land, slow process of farmers' capacity building, the high level of community dependence on the region Babul NP, as well as limited access to the community in the use of forest resources in the region TN Babul. The conditions above ultimately result in low levels of income and high poverty of the surrounding community of Babul NP. It requires efforts to improve the welfare of the community and reduce their dependence on TN Babul areas through community empowerment program.
The presence of government policy, as mentioned above have not been able to solve various problems in the area of management of Babul NP especially regarding the presence and activities of people in the park to meet their needs. This is caused by the inconsistencies between the articles in the same regulatory and contradictory between one regulatory and the others that the regulation is difficult to be implemented. the improvements of government policy related to the management of national parks is needed, so that the policy can be implemented.
The strategy of public interest accommodation suitable to Babul NP was to perform collaborative management. Collaborative management was recommended be successful if government policies have been improved, Babul NP was being transform into KPH, the awareness of interdependency interests increaed, the capacity of Babul NP staffs who involved in the collaborative process were increased, the networking capability enhanced, and the increased of coordination and cooperation among stakeholders.