Summary: | Background: Time stroke handling is very influential to
prognosis stroke that of course needs speed in
determining diagnosis. Thus I'd like to do research to
see signs and symptoms are the most emerged in each
type of stroke.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to know
distribution and percentage signs and symptoms stroke
patients in Stroke Unit RSUP HAM), one baby was Dr.
Sardjito Yogyakarta based on distribution of pathology.
Method: Research carried out in Installing Medical
Records Stroke Unit General Hospital Center Dr.
Sardjito. In this research that will be used as
instrument is medical records new patients Stroke Unit
RSUP HAM), one baby was Dr. Sardjito. Signs and
symptoms would have been recapitulated from medical
records that had been arranged like a checklist. The
criteria inclusion on all new patients first noted as
patients Stroke Unit RSUP HAM), one baby was Dr.
Sardjito Yogyakarta.
Data analysis techniques used in this research is a
technique quantitative data analysis. Data analysis
done with the help software SPSS v. 18 and the result
was changed to form percentage, made clear to diagram
pie symptoms and signs to see based on distribution of
Results: Types of pathology stroke that most often
found on ischemic stroke patients (64 percent). While for stroke bleeding most is bleeding intracerebral
(82%). Clinical symptoms that dominant appeared in
patients with ischemic stroke arecranial nerve paresis
(74%) and impaired motor (65%). Clinical symptoms that
dominant appeared in stroke patients bleeding
intracerebral is cranial nerve paresis (64%) and
impaired motor (58%). There is no clinical symptoms
dominant that appeared in the elderly bleeding
Conclusions: symptoms dominant in both ischemic stroke
and stroke bleeding intracerebral is cranial nerve
paresis, while in stroke bleeding subarachnoid there is
no symptoms that dominant.