Summary: | Pantai Baru is one of the tourist destination beaches in Srandakan,
Poncosari village, Dusun Ngentak, District Bantul. By the visiting of tourists to
the area of Pantai Baru will give profitable for local seller, beside that it will give
another effects such as the issue of waste leftovers of tourists. Another effect to
the region itself is there�re Casuarina Equisetifolia L falling in coastal areas that
are disturbing the comfort and beauty of the beach. Then the Trash of Casuarina
Equisetifolia L is burned, while the waste of food is left that will cause smell
around the area A, which resulted in environmental contamination and provide an
unfavorable impact to the environment.
The purpose of this research are to, 1. to decrease the quantity of garbage
and waste that caused by Casuarina Equisetifolia L in region of A, utilize the
waste and garbage of Casuarina Equisetifolia L in the region of A to be compost
and know the mix variation of Bioactivator which one is more effective
because to speed up the process and to improve the quality of Casuarina
Equisetifolia L compost.
The results showed that the composting process of Casuarina Equisetifolia
L in the region of Pantai Baru, is able to reduce the volume of waste by 77% and
reduces the weight of waste by 61%. Bioactivator provision in this regard is the
SD1, SD2, SD3 and SD4 in a composting process with cow dung decomposers
can affect the speed and quality of the compost, seen from the achievement of
stability in temperature and C / N ratio of the fastest standard. The range of
variables studied optimal results obtained when treatment SD1 (3.5%) with a
mixture ratio of 1:5 compost and Bioactivator with C / N ratio of 23.01. Waste
management will provide improvements in environmental hygiene in the area
Pantai Baru by 55% and improve waste management services by 65%. 5. Sewage
treatment will provide a positive benefit as much as 80% reduce the accumulation
of waste and as much as 20% to educate people about the benefits of waste
management. The waste management in the Pantai Baru is not appropriate with
the methods and techniques of environmental waste management that result in
negative impacts to the public health and environment.