Crynodeb: | This thesis observes the Asian Indian American transnational identities on Jhumpa
Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies.
Traditional concept of immigration permanent migration describes a limited
picture of the processes and experiences of contemporary migrants. It is now easier
than ever to be connected to two or more communities across national borders. The
accelerated development of communication, transport, trade and information
networks through globalization has strengthened the connections of migrants to two
or more places. Starting with the early nineties, migration literature began including
transnational migration and transnationalism as new ways of understanding
contemporary migration practices. Interpreter of Maladies portrays the Asian Indian
American transnational identities construction.
This is a qualitative research and as a multidisciplinary research under American
Studies, it applies transnational American Studies theory and transnationalism theory.
The objective of the study is to reveal the relation among transnationalism and Asian
Indian American history and literature. It also explores the influence of
transnationalism to identities. Finally, this thesis observes how Asian Indian
American negotiates their identities construction in the context of transnationalism as
reflected in Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies.
The research shows that identities are becoming more transnational and multiple due
to the development of technologies, transportation, and global connections between
people. Transnational social field give a space to construct and negotiate Asian Indian
American multiple identities. To preserve their Indian ethnicity, at home Asian Indian
American engages in Asian Indian cultural values. Their origin culture will be a
foundation before they built their American identity. Also, Asian Indian American
tolerates and receives other religion as a new cultural value.