Summary: | on 10 Clonal test 0 clones of 3,5 years old teak (Tectona grandis L.f) was
evaluated. Clonal test of Jati Unggul Nusantara (JUN) has been planted with
randomized completely block design in Compartment 14 Wanagama Gunung
Kidul which has thin soil depth. Clonal test was conducted to select and obtain
superior clones in order to increase the productivity of teak clonal forestry. The
height and diameter growth of the trees were observed every 2 months, along with
the measurement of diameter growth in μm scale, soil depth, soil humidity, and
weather. Mortality rate, height (T), and diameter (D) highly varied among clones
in the population. Clone heritability increased gradually with age. Clone
heritability for T (H
=0,47) was lower than D (H
=0,51) after 3,5 years old.
Meanwhile, genetic correlation between height and diameter growth was 0,95.
High level of heritability showed that the growth of clonal test population was
strongly controlled by genetic factor. Population growth was also significantly
affected by the interaction between clone and environment. Overall, rainfall and
soil depth are abiotic factors that influence teak growth in Wanagama. Although
abiotic environmental factors might influence the variation of clone growth,
genetic factor affects the variation stronger. These results suggest that the growth
of teak clonal test in Wanagama tends to be more affected by genetic factor than
by abiotic environmental factors.