Summary: | Bukit Kaba Nature Recreation Park has a high diversity of birds and mammals so
that potentially to be developed as a special interest tourism area. However,
insufficient wildlife data base lead to the unoptimal tourism management and it
tends to be a mass tourism. This research aims are to identify the wildlife potential
on the tourism trails, to assess quality of pathways for wildlife tourism, and to
develop wildlife tourism management strategies. The potential of mammals was
identified by applying strip transect method. MacKinnon List is used to assess
birds potential. This research identified 6 species of mammals from 5 families, 3
species were categorized as very interesting species (Hylobathes syndactylus,
Presbytis melalophos, dan Helarctos malayanus). It also identified 84 bird species
from 27 families and 15 birds were classified as interesting. The track II was the
most suitable track of birds watching because it has the highest Neu Index (w =
1.26). The score of potential object is 13, which is categorized as a high-quality
object. The track I (score 10) is the best track for wildlife ecotourism activity.
Sumber Urip communities have a positive perception towards the development of
wildlife ecotourism and enthusiast to participate in the activity whereas most of
visitors� perception is still low due to the lack of wildlife data base. SWOT
analysis reveals 18 alternative strategies with 5 priority activities, they are
promotion, dissemination of ecotourism benefits, wildlife research, visitors
segmentation, and strengthening the local economy.