Summary: | The purpose of this study is to address issues regarding the use covernote
practices in accelerating the process of loan disbursement and legal effect issued
by the notary covernote in speeding up the disbursement process in terms of the
law of treaties and the law notary.
This study juridical emphasis on empirical field research related to the
issuance covernote with primary data source based on the direct study of the
covernote used to obtain data directly from the source. Data obtained both
secondary data and primary data processed qualitatively and then presented
descriptively with the outlines and describes in accordance with the problems
associated with the research findings.
The results showed that: (1) the use of practice issued by the notary
covernote in speeding up the process of withdrawal of credit is based on the
general policy of the bank (Best Practices) which allows the credit to be drawn by
the debtor after the receipt covernote without waiting for the completion of a copy
of the deed, (2) the notary Covernote not have the force of law as ambtelijke acte,
so it does not have the force of law is perfect, but only has the strength of
evidence as evidence or clues kea direction can be used as additional evidence,
and entirely dependent on the judge's assessment as provided for in paragraph 2 of
Article 1881 Civil Code. When viewed in terms of the law of treaties, has the
power of law covernote for both parties that should be done consistently if
covernote requirements are listed in the credit agreement that was made legally.
An examination of the law notary covernote unregulated Notary Act (UUJN) so
that the impact of general law applicable both civil and criminal.