Summary: | Weir in irrigation areas are always equipped with intake gate. The intake gate has
several function for examples to tapping the flow from river, setting entry of water
into irrigation canals. In recent years, often occurs operation of intake gate that
doesn't fit such as when summer comes, water supply sometimes unable to
complete the water requirements of farmers and when rainy season comes, the
available water can�t be used optimally. The aim of this research is to analyze the
intake gate operation.
The intake gate operation was analyzed using quantification method 1. The items
used in this analysis were made into 2 alternatives. The first alternative consists of
the discharge gate operation yesterday, the discharge gate operation two days ago
and three days ago, the rain today, the rain yesterday, the amount of rain two days
ago and the amount of rain three days ago. The second alternative consists of the
discharge gate operation yesterday, the discharge gate operation two days ago and
three days ago, the rain today, the rain yesterday, the amount of rain two days ago
and the amount of rain three days ago, and the periods of crop growth.
The results of this research show that intake gate operation in Kuton irrigation
area is classified very good and in Dadapan irrigation area is classified good. It�s
seen from the value of multiple correlation coefficient between the actual
discharge with the prediction discharge of intake gate operation amount 0,82 and
in irrigation area Dadapan amount 0,70. The item of crop growth periods in
irrigation areas of Kuton and Dadapan get less attention from the operators so it
doesn't improve the performance of the intake gate operation.