Summary: | A discussion of the issue of religion in human life is the classic issue, but to
associate it with energy exploration is something new. In the terms of energy
exploration, various efforts have been made both from Government, Academia,
NGO's or other community groups in order to realizing the prosperity of society
through independent energy activity. There is no exception to the existence of Islamic
boarding school that also doing renewable energy exploration activities. The initial
issue underlying the research is why the Amumarta Islamic boarding school
exploring the callophyllum inophillum of BBN, not other islamic boarding school?
Of course this is not a question of right or wrong as a religious institution in the
process of exploration of renewable energy. Furtherthan it is how to understand the
phenomenon by the Islamic boarding school Amumarta and the changes made by
islamic boarding community itself that give effect to the community at large. The
uniqueness and specificity of what he had so resulting in an attitude of life as above.
Read the book of Weber's \"The Protestant Ethics and the Spirit of
Capitalism\", we can explain the conclusion that religion is a factor in driving social
change. We can also identify the classification of social-religious group with all its
characteristics so as to create changes in social life-diversity. The existence of
religion as a factor of change, depart from the spirit of reforms so that the meaning of
the text produced a series of value (ethics). The value that is understood and then run
into a certain character characteristics called ethos. Spirit in this research is the spirit
of running an action based on certain values.
The framework of this research also covers the struggle of thought in
interpretation ' doctrinal ' islam, which according to the author gave the Foundation
for the implementation of actions, the ethos of the exploration of renewable energy.
results interpretation which gives effect in the ethos of the exploration of renewable
energy are then communicated by students elected to the villagers of forests involved.
This process is commonly known as empowerment, an attempt to instantiate a set of
values. The applications in the management of the industry should be linear, that is
communicated can be implemented well in the field of industrial management. In
short between the rasionaitas value with a practical rationality, it should have
influenced and affected.
Based on the explanation above, the researchers found that the value of
practical rationality at the level of implementation of industrial management has no
connection. It means that the value does not affect a person's rationality implement
measures to manage the industry, but there is another factor enabling human
summoned implement renewable energy exploration .