Summary: | Research on Poem �Mikraj� by Bahrum Rangkuti is based on certain
meaning presented through indirectness of poem expression. In this case, Poem
�Mikraj� contain signal that should be understood semiotic so purpose of the mark
is delivered explicitly. Understanding Poem �Mikraj� in this research used
Riffaterre semiotic theory. Riffaterre stated that poem state something by
intending other matter. So, poem contains certain meaning called Riffaterre as
poem significance.
Therefore, this research was intended to discover significance of Poem
�Mikraj� by Bahrum Rangkuti. Researcher used analytical method presented by
Riffaterre that is heuristic reading and retroactive reading. In heuristic reading,
researcher found various ungrammaticalities that lead to heterogenic meaning,
ambiguity, meaning division, that block researcher understanding. According to
Riffaterre to pass the obstacles, researcher should continue in second level a
retroactive reading. Through retroactive reading, researcher start sound meaning
unity through potential hypogram of pre supposition, seme, cliche, descriptive
system that direct to Poem �Mikraj� with genre of sufic poem and actual
hypogram of previous sufic poem and Quran and Hadis text.
The result indicated that significance of Poem �Mikraj� is maqam and hal.
Maqam and hal have been theme in sufic poems. It is clear that what presented in
Poem �Mikraj� is phases and condition of soul in undertaking way to God.
Maqam and hal expressed in this poem consist of tobat, muroqobah, mukasyafah,
zikir, khawf, raja�, tawakal, mahabbah, as syaug, musyahadah, makrifat, fana,
ittihad, and dakwah.