Summary: | Smart City is one of new strategies city development and city management.
This concept emerged and evolved coincided with changing times and technology.
Smart City is defined as �a city to be smart when investments in human and social
capital and traditional and modern communications infrastructure fuel
sustainable economic growth and a high quality of life, with a wise management
of natural resources, through participatory governance� (Nijkamp, et al in
Chaffers, 2010:3). Since this concept is still new, the study related to this concept
still being conducted.
Surabaya is the city that won the Smart City Award 2011, held by Warta
Ekonomi magazine. Considering that in the world Smart City concept is still
evolving, but Surabaya City was already winner in Smart City Awards 2011
become interesting to study. Previous studies about Smart City described
dominantly components, character, dimensions, factors, and strategies of Smart
City, but those studies were lack to explaine the process of urban development
towards the Smart City. Therefore the aim of this study is to describe how the
process the City of Surabaya towards Smart City and explore the process at its
The study approach used a qualitative approach with a exploratory case
study method. The results of this study were that the development process towards
the Surabaya City Smart City is not sectoral, but rather a holistic approach.
There were 4 phases: the phase of internal government reform, the phase of
strengthening of social capital, the phase of development of external government
service, and the phase of the development of high technology-based city service.