Summary: | Local wisdom is a phenomenon that exists in every community and ethnic
group. This study focuses on Buginese local wisdom that guide the relationship
among the community, particularly those highlighted in ancient book La Galigo.
This study aims to explain the concept of human relationship shared among
Buginese ethnic group and connect them to the development of human rights in
Using Martin Buber�s philosophical perspective, this study adopts the
three types relationship known as I-It, I-Thou and I-Eternal Thou. This systematic
review uses historical, hermeneutical and heuristical methods for data
In Buginese context, Buber�s perspectives have been adopted and
understood into cultural concept/values for a long time. They practiced sipakasiri�
which highlights taboo relationship, they believed in sipassiriki as an ideal
concept in human being relationship and contended that mappesona ri dewata
seuwwae is the most crucial concept that exist among them. These shared
Buginese values are relevant to the development of human rights in Indonesia.