Summary: | Apple trees became a nain comodity in Batu, Malang. However , the quality and
production of Apples is no longer as good as before . Production decreases and is
accompanied by the production of increasingly poor quality. Objective of this
study is to (1) determine land suitability classes of apple trees on the different
apple crop land conditions at different heights, (2) determine the effect of different
height in the apple trees production, (3) determine land management conducted on
each apples trees land in different heights. (4) determine the model to increase
productivity and economic value. Observations based on the height difference, is
at an altitude of 800 - 1000 meters above sea level, 1000 - 1600 meters above sea
level , and 1600 - 2000 meters above sea levels. The locations of apple trees are
selected into 2 groups, the productive apple trees land and non productive apple
trees land. Physical data retrieval of land and soil samples was done by ground
surveys and socio- economic data collection and management of land is done by
using a questionaire. Physical land suitability analysis and economic use ALES
program with Djaenuddin, et al (2003) as a refference. Apple crop land suitability
classification is obtained that the apple crop at all locations S3 (marginally
suitable). At location 1 (L01), 2 (L02), and 6 (L06) with the limiting factor are
nutrient retention (S3,nr). While on location 3 (L03), 4 (L04), and 5 (L05) has a
limiting factor erosion and nutrient retention (S3, eh/nr). There is an influence of
the height of the apple crop productivity. This is evident with the highest
productivity at location 3 (1600-2000 meters above sea levels) annualy + 1 tons.
Apples of different land management at each height . Apple land at an altitude of
1200-2000 meters above sea level (L05 and L04) have high levels of management
in accordance with the procedures for the cultivation of apples compared to apples
land at an altitude of 800-1200 meters above sea level. Apple farm productivity in
locations 4 and 5 ( L05 ) also have high productivity with 0.2 hectares of land and
100 trees . Formed models of revitalisastion such as Production = - 13.1 + 1.84
(Base Saturation) - 0.0149 (slope), with value of R2 = 0.935 and NPV = - 87,2 + 10,8(Production), R2=0,862.