Summary: | This study aims to determine the condition of rice security in Kota
Bekasi and Kecamatan Bantargebang, as well as knowing how big a role
Kecamatan Bantargebang as district which has the largest paddy fields in the other
Methods of research using survey methods with descriptive qualitative
approach and simple quantitative to obtained from secondary sources and primary
data. Sources of information derived from the literature according to the problem
and research objectives, in-depth interviews with several informants related to this
The result showed that: food security of rice Kota Bekasi and Kecamatan
Bantagebang not been met, this is due to the availability of rice production comes
from internal sources, donations Kota Bekasi (1.05%) and Kecamatan
Bantagebang (3.86%) is very small so that the dependence on external sources of
rice production is very high (over 96%) and to external sources of rice production,
the average donation Kota Bekasi (126.77%) and Kecamatan Bantagebang
(36.43%). Meanwhile, for the aspects of distribution and access to and
consumption of rice has been fulfilled. Kecamatan Bantargebang role as the
largest districts with rice fields was not able to contribute much sufficient means
for internal rice production in Kota Bekasi that only 0.13%, but in terms of
population, Kecamatan Bantargebang contributed 4.15% to its population
compared to the least with other districts, so that the rice needs of the residents of
Kecamatan Bantargebang of 4.20% of the rice needs Kota Bekasi is not too large.