Summary: | The importance of community participation in the implementation of the
program in question and directly involve rural communities such as program
PNPM Mandiri, the reason for doing research on Community Participation in
PNPM Mandiri Implementation and Effectiveness of the Family Economic
Security (Case Study Implementation PNPM Perdesaan in District Kalanganyar
Lebak). The purpose of this study was to determine the people's participation in
planning, implementation, and utilization of the results, of an evaluation of the
PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan and know how effective implementation of PNPM
Perdesaan to tackle poverty and improve family economic security in District
Kalanganyar, Lebak.
The methods and techniques of analysis used in this study is qualitative
and quantitative analysis, using questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focus group
discussions, observations on the process or outcome PNPM activities, as well as
the collection of relevant documents. The results showed that participation in the
PNPM Perdesaan program activities at the planning, implementation, utilization
and evaluate program activities have shown a high level of participation, but still
not optimal in some material participation in each phase of the program activities.
Other research results showed that based on the income approach turns
PNPM Mandiri program has been implemented quite effectively to increase
revenue but not yet effective head of the family to meet family income per capita
per day based on UN standards, and not optimal in all villages, resulting in a
different family economic security among rural poor families with low economic
resilience compared to the economic security of poor families in the village.
Furthermore, based on the expenditure approach turns the PNPM Mandiri has not
showed the same level of effectiveness in all villages and yet produce the same
family economic security in all villages, and still produce a high family economic
security in the rural non-poor and low family economic security in poor villages.