Summary: | Indonesia is a country which has a lot of territory consisted by the thousands of
islands has here in several of ethnic groups, ethnic heterogenity is related to the health
issues, it can be seen from the perceptions and habits and the beliefs typical of the
disease suffered by the tribes. The need for the healing of disease, they would be trying
to finding ways to cope with treatment it deserves from its effect. Getting treatment is
adopted based on the concept of which is owned by the local community to the disease
for. Understanding of health, illness and disease in the each of ethnic group is not the
same, for the tribes who still lives in countryside areas, they also define the type of
disease it locally adapted to their experience and understanding of an illness. Tugutil
people whose lives secluded in the interior of the Halmahera Island, especially those
who are in the area of Wasile District, East Halmahera, North Maluku Province, Tugutil
people who are in the territory also has a local medical system to addressing health
issues in their community. In this research study would be trying to answer some of the
issues that occur in the tribe such as: 1) What factors influence the onset of disease? 2)
How does the action taken in addressing the disease because it is caused by a
personalistic and naturalistic.
The research study was conducted on Tugutil people in the hamlet Totodoku,
Dodaga Village District of East Wasile. The data used in the analysis is qualitative data
which obtained from 21 informants and 9 key informants. Data was collected by library
research, participation observation method, in-depth interviews, and documentation.
Results of the research shown that Tugutil people living in the country side
(forests) still retaining its healing ways inherited diseases in a sustainable manner (local
medical system), because they think they couldbe addressing health issues in their
communities. In the local medical system of Tugutil (Etnomedisin), including the pain
suffering because that is personalistic and naturalistic. Based on the research results
showing that caused of illness suffered toTugutil people are more dominant is
personalistic nature. However, these reasons cannot be separated between Naturalistic
with Personalistic causes, because in certain circumstances the both of these issues are
related. Crucial role dukun (o houru manyawa) and shaman (o gomatere) in the healing
process to Tugutil people